Defence White Paper 2016

Defence White Paper 2016

Published: 08 Jun 2016

Category: Publication

The Defence White Paper 2016 sets out the Government’s expectations for Defence over the coming decades and includes a 15-year modernisation plan worth nearly $20 billion to ensure the New Zealand Defence Force has the capabilities it needs to meet the country’s security and defence challenges.

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The Defence White Paper 2016 provides the foundation for New Zealand’s security now and into the future at a time of increasing instability and uncertainty in the international strategic environment.

The public’s views, from over 300 written submissions and meetings around the country, have informed the development of this White Paper, and are reflected in the Summary of Submissions Report.

New Zealanders have been very clear about their expectations that the Defence Force has capabilities that are up-to-date, interoperable with our close partners and able to respond to a range of contingencies.

The importance of modern, combat-focussed capabilities, and having the right people to operate them, was a consistent theme of the Defence White Paper public consultation process.

ISBN: 978-0-478-27878-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-0-478-27877-4 (Online)

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