Copies of submissions received during the targeted consultation process on proposals for establishing an independent Inspector-General of Defence

Published: 07 Jun 2022

Category: Other documents

This file combines copies of the submissions that were provided to the Minister of Defence and Attorney-General in February 2022.

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Submitters were informed that the Ministry intended to publish submissions online and were asked if they did not want their submission to be published. Only one submitter requested that their submission not be published. As noted above, one other submitter requested that their name or other personal information not be published.

All submissions have been combined into one document for release and, consistent with the Official Information Act 1982, certain information is withheld to protect:

  • the privacy of natural persons [section 9(2)(a) of the OIA], and

  • information which is subject to an obligation of confidence… where making the making available of information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied [section 9(2)(ba)(i)].

It is not considered that the public interest in this information outweighs the need to protect it.


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