In consultation with the Defence Force (NZDF), the Policy and Planning division provides advice to the Government on Defence policy matters, including:
- the strategic environment
- Defence and security policies
- military capabilities needed to meet Defence policy goals, including the costs, benefits and risks associated with proposed capability options; this includes technical analysis and advice
- the effective operation of the Defence Capability Management System
- the management of bilateral and multilateral defence relations, including NZDF deployments.

Defence Policy Branch is headed by Bronwyn Evans-Kent.
We develop and prepare strategic defence policy advice to the Government, which includes assessing the defence and security implications of the future strategic environment. We lead the preparation of Defence Assessments on issues of strategic importance for New Zealand, and support Government to develop Defence White Papers and Policy Statements as required. We also lead the Ministry's policy work on issues such as maritime security, Antarctica, cyber, space and counter-terrorism, and contribute to whole-of-government national security initiatives, proposals and policy advice.
Development Branch is headed by Sophie Vickers.
We work on capability projects and programmes before the purchasing/procurement stage. This includes:
- defining capability requirements in conjunction with the NZDF
- supporting identification and assessment of capability options
- co-leadership of portfolio management for capability investments
- supporting capability planning, including production of the Defence Capability Plan
- preparing and analysing business cases for capability projects.
International Branch is headed by Kathleen Pearce.
The International Branch leads policy advice and analysis on New Zealand’s deployments, Defence relations, and offshore security issues to Ministers, Defence principals and partner agencies. The White Paper emphasises that New Zealand has an enduring interest in fostering strong international relationships characterised by mutual transparency and trust. Our Defence diplomacy, and support for deployments, enhances New Zealand’s security and broader interests. Team members conduct Defence diplomacy activities globally and support the Minister of Defence and Defence principals in their overseas engagements – this can include bilateral and multilateral meetings, participation in international security dialogues, and supporting visits to where the NZDF personnel are deployed. The Branch operates in close partnership with the NZDF, and collaborates with partner agencies at home and overseas.