This is a multi-phase programme to enable the Anzac Frigates’ service life to be extended beyond the original 30-year design life. The first phase is currently underway.
Rather than taking the ships out of service for a single extended period, the work is planned to take place incrementally through the extended service life during standard maintenance periods. This aims to ensure the frigates are available for training, operations, and contingencies while the programme is implemented.
As the projects are a refresh or replacement with modern versions of existing systems, they are typically non-complex projects that can be delivered through the existing New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) capability branch and logistics command management processes. In most cases, the dockyard support contract or existing supplier in service support contracts will be used.
By delivering as a programme with multiple phases the overall benefits will be revisited and presented to Government at each point that an investment decision is being sought. This allows the planning and scope of the programme to be adjusted as the Defence strategic environment and the plan for future NZDF capability evolves.

Current state
Current state
Phase One of the programme was approved by Cabinet in April 2023 and is made up of eight projects that will deliver replacement of critical machinery, structural work, and control systems.
The majority of the Phase One work will be implemented on Te Mana during a planned maintenance period in 2024/2025, and on Te Kaha during a planned maintenance period in 2025/2026.