Future Air Mobility Capability – Tactical

A project replacing the fleet of C-130H Hercules with the new C-130-J-30, as well as training and support equipment, and a flight simulator.

C-130J-30 fleet

With the C-130H aircraft approaching the end of their economic life, the Future Air Mobility Capability (FAMC) project was initiated in 2017 to look at the future of the air mobility capability provided by the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF).  

On 5 June 2020 the Government announced that a fleet of five C-130J-30 would replace the current fleet of C-130H Hercules operated by the RNZAF for tactical airlift operations.

The C-130J had been selected as the preferred platform in 2019, and the aircraft and a full mission flight simulator are being acquired through the United States' Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process. Deliveries are scheduled to commence in late 2024.

Construction of the first aircraft is progressing to schedule, with the aircraft nose and fuselage joined in 2023, and first flight undertaken in 2024. Personnel training is underway in the United States, and site infrastructure work has begun at RNZAF Base Auckland for the flight simulator, following a Request for Proposals process.  

C130J build
C130 flight
C130J build
C130 flight

A project replacing the fleet of C-130H Hercules with the new C-130-J-30, as well as training and support equipment, and a flight simulator.

C-130J-30 fleet

With the C-130H aircraft approaching the end of their economic life, the Future Air Mobility Capability (FAMC) project was initiated in 2017 to look at the future of the air mobility capability provided by the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF).  

On 5 June 2020 the Government announced that a fleet of five C-130J-30 would replace the current fleet of C-130H Hercules operated by the RNZAF for tactical airlift operations.

The C-130J had been selected as the preferred platform in 2019, and the aircraft and a full mission flight simulator are being acquired through the United States' Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process. Deliveries are scheduled to commence in late 2024.

Construction of the first aircraft is progressing to schedule, with the aircraft nose and fuselage joined in 2023, and first flight undertaken in 2024. Personnel training is underway in the United States, and site infrastructure work has begun at RNZAF Base Auckland for the flight simulator, following a Request for Proposals process.  

Watch progress

Watch progress

Government approval

Government approval

  • In July 2017 the Government approved the FAMC project to identify options for an effective and flexible air transport capability that can support military and all of Government operations.
  • In June 2019 Government directed that the first air mobility priority was to replace the C-130H aircraft fleet. The Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Hercules was identified as a mature and proven tactical air mobility. The Secretary of Defence was authorised to undertake a formal process of a FMS Letter of Request for a Letter of Offer and Acceptance for the procurement of Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 tactical aircraft, a simulator and associated services and support; together with further information about reliability, availability and maintenance requirements. 
  • In June 2020 the Government approved $1.5 billion that will deliver the aircraft, training and support equipment, simulator, infrastructure for the simulator that will be located at RNZAF Base Auckland (Whenuapai), civilian satellite communications, electro-optical/infra-red camera, large aircraft infra-red countermeasures and sustainment. 



C-130J Specifications

Wing span: 40.41m

Height: 11.85m

Length: 34.4m

Speed: 330kts 

Payload: 21 tonnes

Passengers: 128