Ministry of Defence Information Gathering Statement

Published: 10 Jun 2019

Category: Other documents

This publication sets out the Ministry of Defence's information gathering statement.

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The transparency statement explains that the Ministry of Defence does not collect, use or share information gathered about members of the public or other agencies (directly or indirectly) for the purpose of detecting or investigating potential:

  • regulatory non-compliance (e.g. not meeting the requirements of a permit or certificate)
  • criminal offending (e.g. tax evasion or fraud)
  • threats to the physical security of staff, or the security of information or places (e.g. a physical security breach, we-hacking).

The Ministry does not engage contractors or third parties to collect this information.

If you have any enquiries about our information gathering activities, or believe we have not acted in accordance with this statement you should contact the Ministry of Defence.


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