Terms of Reference – Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham: Expert Review Group to review of NZDF’s organisational structure and record-keeping and retrieval processes

Published: 07 Oct 2020

Category: Other documents

On 7 October 2020, the Minister of Defence announced the establishment of an Expert Review Group (ERG) to review a number of aspects of the New Zealand Defence Force’s (NZDF) structure, information management and record-keeping. This forms part of the government's work in response to the Report into the Inquiry into Operation Burnham.

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A story on the appointments is available here: Appointment of Expert Review Group reviewing NZDF’s structure, information management and record-keeping processes.

The ERG will assess whether the NZDF's organisational structure and record-keeping and retrieval processes are in accordance with international best practice, and whether they are sufficient to remove or reduce the possibility of organisational and administrative failings of the type identified in the Report occurring in the future.

It will present a report on its findings to the Minister of Defence by June 2021.

The ERG is classified as a Group 4, Level 1 body under the Cabinet Fees Framework. The fee for the Chair is NZD1,150 per day, and the fee for the external member and international advisers is NZD865 per day.

The Ministry of Defence will provide secretariat and research support to the ERG.


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