Review of Defence Procurement Policies and Practices for Major Capability Projects

Published: 06 Jul 2018

Category: Publication

This document provides the findings of a review by Sir Brian Roche KNZM to assess Defence's ability to deliver capability investments effectively.

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In March 2018, the Minister of Finance and Minister of Defence sought a review of Defence's Procurement Policies and Practices. The Ministers approved Terms of Reference for the Review of Defence Procurement Policies and Practices for Major Capability Projects, and that Sir Brian be engaged to conduct the Review. The Terms of Reference provided for the Review to examine the Defence Capability Change Action Programme that has been underway since 2015 to deliver a significant uplift in the end-to-end performance of Defence's capability management system.

The review finds the procurement process to be robust, and that the Defence Capability Change Action Programme is making a big difference to the way Defence manages its capital projects. In reaching his conclusions, Sir Brian notes that the changes are still relatively new, and strong, ongoing leadership is required to embed and sustain the changes.


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